Slimming & Body Contouring

Our non-surgical treatments to contour, shape and slim your body are dramatically improving the appearance of cellulite without downtime or significant discomfort. We employ the most advanced technologies that combines powerful energies to reduce the volume and appearance of fat tissues. In addition, remarkably improves the tone and texture of skin, leaving behind a youthful and smoother skin appearance. Our procedures also stimulate blood flow and circulation, increase collagen production and induce the detoxification process
With these unique approaches, we are able to treat multiple areas including the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, flanks and arms in less than 40 minutes.

Following are Slimming & Body Contouring Technologies:

VelaShape III

The Syneron Candela VelaShape III offers a very effective non-invasive solution for body contouring, reducing circumference of treated area, reducing the appearance of cellulite and improving skin texture. Using infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and vacuum technology, the VelaShape III heats up to shrink your body’s fat cells and surrounding connective tissues. This stimulates the growth of new and better collagen and elastin, resulting in smoother, tighter looking skin. VelaShape III promotes increased circulation, lymphatic drainage, collagen production, and cellular metabolism, all of which serve to enhance the appearance of the skin.

EndyMed PRO

The EndyMed PRO, powered by unique 3DEEP RF technology, is all-in-one treatment platform offers innovative and most effective aesthetic solutions for non-surgical skin tightening, body contouring, texture improvement, cellulite reduction, circumferential reduction and stretch mark reduction. EndyMed treatments are safe, painless, and suitable for all skin types and colors.

EndyMed’s 3DEEP RF body contouring handpieces offer superior solutions for cellulite and circumference reduction, shaping and contouring, with shorter treatment times and no treatment downtime.



EMSCULPT is the first FDA-cleared body sculpting and muscle building device. It’s a no-downtime, pain-free, non-surgical way to define the abs, lift the buttocks, and sculpt the thighs. EMSCULPT is the only procedure to help both women and men build muscle and burn fat. With high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM), EMSCULPT contracts muscles beyond what is possible through physical training, yielding better muscle tone and enhanced fat metabolism. A single EMSCULPT treatment equals 20,000 crunches or squats results in creating well defined abs and achieving an amazing butt-lift without surgery or injections.

You will begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. These results will continue to improve as you receive additional treatment sessions. EMSCULPT results can last a lifetime if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and an ideal weight.